Licorice Olive
“Sweet after bitter” is the taste of olive entices people to have another try. After eating olive, you’ll find your mouth clean and scented and get rid of unfavorable heat and odor. Olive is also effective in engendering saliva and reducing phlegm.
甘草オリーブ オリーブ「苦が尽きて楽が来る」は人に味わいがつきない、口腔全体はすがすがしい香りで、乾燥した暑さを除去し、唾液を分泌して痰を除きます。
Licorice Olive
“Sweet after bitter” is the taste of olive entices people to have another try. After eating olive, you’ll find your mouth clean and scented and get rid of unfavorable heat and odor. Olive is also effective in engendering saliva and reducing phlegm.
甘草オリーブ オリーブ「苦が尽きて楽が来る」は人に味わいがつきない、口腔全体はすがすがしい香りで、乾燥した暑さを除去し、唾液を分泌して痰を除きます。